API Reference


Exceptions definitions.

exception stateflow.errors.ArgEvalError(arg_name, function_name, call_stack, cause)[source]

A reactive argument is in error state. The argument error should be the cause of this error.

exception stateflow.errors.EvalError(definition_stack, cause)[source]

An exception occured while evaluation of some Observable.

exception stateflow.errors.NotAssignable[source]

Raised when the “__assign__” method is called on the Observable that doesn’t support assignment.

exception stateflow.errors.NotInitializedError[source]
exception stateflow.errors.SilentError(cause=None, *args)[source]

An exception that is silently propagated and not raised unless explicit unwrapping is done on the variable. The error that is silenced should be the cause of this error.

exception stateflow.errors.ValidationError(description)[source]

An argument doesn’t satisfy some criterion so the function is not called.